Vårt sortiment består av snabbmonterade produkter med få detaljer som besparar tid vid montering. Våra produkter är demest avancerade i Europa när det kommer till deformationszoner.

Quick-to-assemble and safe products

Our range consists of quick-to-assemble products with few details that save time during assembly. Our products are the most advanced in Europe when it comes to deformation zones.

See our products
Gratis rådgivning genom hela projekteringsfasen

Free advice throughout the design phase

All parties benefit from getting the design and installation right from the start. As our client, we offer free advice throughout the design phase.

Contactus for advice
På CWL har vi både produktion och lager under samma tak vilket gör att vi kan effektivisera logistikprocessen och minska ledtiden för att leverera våra produkter till våra kunder.

Production and warehousing under one roof

At CWL, we have both production and storage under the same roof, which allows us to streamline the logistics process and reduce the lead time for delivering our products to our customers. In addition, it enables faster processing of orders and reduces the risk of delays. Having production and storage under the same roof also facilitates internal communication and collaboration between different departments, leading to smoother operations and better customer service. This contributes to increased flexibility and adaptability to meet customer needs and demand effectively.

Read more about us
Vi erbjuder dig och dina kollegor skräddarsydda utbildningar för vårt produktsortiment.

Training courses

We offer you and your colleagues customised training courses for our product range. We tailor the course accordingly to suit the professional roles of architects, consultants, inspectors and tradesmen in order to prepare the most relevant content possible.

To our training courses
På vårt företag är hållbarhet inte bara ett ord, det är en integrerad del av vår affärsstrategi och företagskultur.

Sustainability focus

At our company, sustainability is not just a word, it is an integral part of our business strategy and culture. We are proud of our commitment to sustainability and our desire to create long-term economic, environmental and social success while contributing to a more sustainable world for future generations.

Läs mer om vårt hållbarhetsarbete
Färgstarkt takliv. Du väljer själv din egen favoritfärg - vårt standardsortiment innehåller 12 färger.

Colourful roof environment

There is more than one reason why we are considered the most colourful roof safety provider on the market. One of the reasons is that we help you add colour to your roof life. You choose your own favourite colour – our standard range contains 12 colours, the rest is up to you!

Colour Chart
Säkra leveranser
Secure deliveries

Because we produce and stock our products under the same roof, we can offer fast delivery.

Hög produktionskapacitet
High production capacity

With efficient processes and skilled staff, we can deliver large volumes of high-quality products on time.

Service i toppklass
Top class service

We value each customer's needs and aim to build long-term relationships by providing quick and effective solutions for any questions or problems that may

Get inspired by our references

See examples of how our roof safety products and solar panel mounts have been installed on customers' roofs.

See reference objects